

We are the guests of the nature
At Organíca, based on this principle, we have the responsibility to look for a form of symbiosis with nature. By daily observation, respect and humility, we are looking for a balance between what nature can offer us and what we can offer nature

Connection and Sharing

In the Universe, there is no such thing as a closed system. From galaxy to cell, each element connect, share, transfer with another
At Organíca, we also believe that we have something to share you and hope that you will then share this state of mind.


One of the founding principle of Organíca is to find a space to reconnect to the nature, to oneself nature.
That is why we offer activities and disciplines in order for you to find the resources you need.


“Emovere” in Latin means to change things
Therefore by the movement, dance, hike, yoga, swim you could change thing in you and around you for a bigger fullness


By its huge biodiversity, its birds, mammals, butterflies, cetacean profusion still intact, this spot is absolutely amazing
To respect this uniqueness, Organíca was created to offer you an original experience that will transform you


Important resources has been dedicated to respect the nature.
That is the why we ask our guest to follow this idea and help us to preserve this site.


And now what? With the help of the Chorotega community and Paquera inhabitants, we are looking for to develop projects related to agro-forestery and environment conservation.
So, just by being at Organíca, you participate in making nature more beautiful and start with us the beginning of Permaconomy and eco-tourism for a better world.